Medieval Archaeology and History
Our collections of Medieval Archaeology and History cover the material evidence of a crucial thousand-year period from the fifth to the fifteenth century AD through a range of archaeological finds and assemblages that are unrivaled in strength and diversity for representing Scotland and its place in the world.
Long-lived sites occupied for many centuries can provide evidence for everyday life, while novel sites such as monasteries tell us about new ways of thinking about the world through the advent of Christianity. Gold and silver hoards, or the iconic Lewis Chess-pieces capture more unusual moments in time through spectacular material. The collection covers the high-point of Celtic art (Ultimate La Tene) including some of the most accomplished stone sculpture on Early Christian monuments in Europe, the largest collection of Viking-age grave assemblages outside of Scandinavia and the High Medieval period when Scotland first emerged into history as a kingdom with a distinct national identity.
The Medieval Archaeology and History section facilitates activities, access, loans and research partnerships, producing exhibitions, books and multi-media presentations of new ideas and information about this formative period in Scottish history.
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Medieval Archaeology and History stories
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The Galloway Hoard
The Galloway Hoard is an exceptional treasure, discovered in 2014 by metal detectorists at Balmaghie, Kirkcudbrightshire. It contains over 5kg of silver, gold and other materials dating to c AD 900. The careful way it was buried helped… - Discover
A rare pectoral cross in the Galloway Hoard
Viking-age hoards are known for their large amounts of hacksilver. These are silver objects cut up and valued for their weight. Complete objects are rare from these silver hoards. A well-preserved pectoral cross placed near the top of the… - Discover
Dunadd Hillfort: the seat of early medieval Scottish power
Before there was a kingdom called Scotland, the people known as the Scotti were just one group among many in the north and west of Britain. By the sixth century AD, the Gaelic-speaking Scots had built a strong and wealthy kingdom known as…