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A variety of objects relating to the life of Scotland's bard can be found in National Museums Scotland's collection. Read on to learn more about Burns' life, legacy, and his depictions in objects and popular culture.

1. Bone chanter

This type of instrument was traditionally played by shepherds, but by Burns’ time that tradition had almost vanished.

After much searching, Burns finally acquired this instrument in Highland Perthshire. Of his chanter, Burns wrote ‘This one of mine was made by a man from the Braes of Athole, and is exactly what the shepherds were wont to use in the country'. Burns later designed his own coat of arms, where his stock-and-horn features proudly on the shield.

A musical instrument like a recorder made of a bone with holes punched along its length, beside an old red leather case.
Bone chanter. Museum reference K.1998.43.1.

2. Painted plaster bust

Leith’s statue of Robert Burns was erected by the town’s Burns Club in 1898, and sculpted by David Watson Stephenson. This model, or maquette, would have been used by Stephenson as he prepared his final, full-scale work.

For many of us, the physical image of Burns is instantly recognisable; from schoolbooks to public sculptures, the image of Burns has a distinct familiarity. This is largely to do with the fact that almost all images of Burns are reproduced from a single portrait of the poet painted by Alexander Nasmyth in 1787.

A light brown plaster bust of a young man.
Painted plaster bust related to the bronze statue of Robert Burns in Bernard Street, Leith. Museum reference K.2011.73.

3. Plaster model

There are over sixty statues of Burns in cities across the world, most of which are located in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The placement of these statues reflects the trajectory of nineteenth and early twentieth century Scottish migration.

A grey statue of Robert Burns, a young man in trousers, long socks, and a jacket with a sash across his body.
Painted plaster model of the bronze statue of Robert Burns in Bernard Street, Leith: Edinburgh, by David Watson Stevenson. Museum reference K.2011.72.

4. Woodblock

This woodblock would have been used to print the title page of W. & R. Chambers' 1856 edition of The Life and Works of Robert Burns. The images carved into the block depict Thomas Hamilton’s Burns Monument. This monument is located at Alloway above the Brig o’ Doon – the bridge immortalised in Robert Burns’ epic poem ‘Tam o’ Shanter’.

William and Robert Chambers were brothers who founded a highly successful and innovative publishing house. They focussed on publishing popular education at affordable prices. Between 1865-69, William Chambers acted as Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Today his name is memorialised in Chambers Street, the location of the National Museum of Scotland.

A wooden panel craved with a book cover of a title and a landscape scene. The panel is painted silver.
Woodblock of the frontispiece for The Life and Works of Robert Burns edited by Robert Chambers, 1856. Museum reference T.2011.56.193.

5. Engraving of Burns and Sir Walter Scott

Here we see Robert Burns and Walter Scott, two of the giants of Scottish literature, shown in their Masonic regalia. Whilst this engraving makes it look like Burns and Scott attended Masonic meetings together, they did not. Walter Scott did not become a Mason until 1801, five years after the death of Robert Burns.

However, the two writers did in fact meet. In the winter of 1786/7, a 15-year-old Walter Scott attended a literary salon at Sciennes Hill House. This was the home of the Enlightenment philosopher Adam Ferguson, and a place where Burns was the celebrated guest. Scott later wrote of the poet: ‘His person was strong and robust, his manners rustic, not clownish; a sort of dignified plainness and simplicity, which received part of its effect perhaps from one's knowledge of his extraordinary talents.’

A cream and brown engraving of two men wearing cravats and jackets with a star and freemason symbol behind them. One man has his hand on an open book on a table in front of them.
Engraving, mounted on card, entitled 'Twa Brother Scots', depicting Scott and Burns as freemasons. Museum reference H.1995.656.

6. Engraving of Burns' inauguration as Poet Laureate

Robert Burns arrived in Edinburgh in November 1786 to promote his recently published volume of poetry and make connections amongst the city’s literati – many of whom were Freemasons. Burns had been a Mason since 1781, and on 1 February 1787, he was made a member of Edinburgh’s historic Lodge Canongate Kilwinning. A month later, Burns was installed as Poet Laureate of the Lodge – the scene we see in this engraving.

The original painting was created in 1846, some 60 years after the event is depicts. The artist, William Stewart Watson, has clearly modelled his figure of Burns on Alexander Nasmyth’s portrait of poet from 1787.    

A brown and cream engraving of a group of men in a grandly decorated room.
Engraving of Burns' inauguration as Poet Laureate. Museum reference H.1995.654.

7. Letter of acceptance

On 31 December 1787, the poet Robert Burns attended a dinner in Edinburgh to celebrate the 67th birthday of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, perhaps better known as 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'. This dinner was organised by the Jacobite-supporting Steuart Club, which had been founded in 1757 and met annually in the home of Mr James Steuart to commemorate the Prince’s birthday.

Ironically, the dinner attended by Burns took place a matter of weeks before the death of Charles Edward on 31 January 1788. This letter was written by Burns in acceptance of Steuart’s invitation to dine with him and his friends.

An old letter by Scottish writer and poet Robert Burns
Letter from Robert Burns to James Steuart accepting an invitation to dine on the anniversary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart's birthday. Museum reference H.OP 7.

8. Stereocard

This stereocard depicts the Burns Monument, located in Edinburgh.

The Burns Monument is on Edinburgh’s Regent Road, and is one of two distinctive monuments to the poet designed by the nineteenth century architect Thomas Hamilton. The other is in Alloway, the village of Burns’ birth. Hamilton’s inspiration for both his Burns monuments was the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates in Athens.

The origins of Edinburgh’s Burns Monument can be traced to Mumbai, India. In 1812, an expatriate Scot by the name of John Forbes-Mitchell, began to collect funds from his countrymen in order to erect a monument in memory of Robert Burns. It was not, however, until 1831 that the foundation stone was laid.

When viewed through a stereoscope, this card would have allowed people to see the monument in 3D.

Two brown and cream images of a momument with a mountain in the background. The two images are placed side by side on a yellow background.
Stereocard depicting the Burns Monument, Edinburgh by George Washington Wilson & Co., Aberdeen. Museum reference T.2023.

9. Recruitment poster

Perhaps the key to Burns’ enduring appeal is our ability to read his life and works as we choose. Here we see Burns presented as the loyal patriot, encouraging Scotsmen to enlist during the early stages of the First World War. The lines of verse are taken from a short poem written in 1782.

In later life, Burns took up arms by joining the Royal Dumfries Volunteers, an unpaid part-time defence force raised against the threat of invasion during the French Revolutionary Wars. At his funeral in July 1796, members of Royal Dumfries Volunteers acted as the pallbearers of Burns’ coffin.

A yellow poster with a side portrait of a young man in the model set in a navy roundel. The poster has text that reads 'What Burns said - 1782 holds good in 1915'.
Poster entitled "What Burns Said - 1782, Holds Good in 1915", World War I, 1915. Museum reference M.1931.876.6.

10. Railway poster

The notion of Robert Burns heritage tourism is nothing new. In July 1818, the English poet John Keats visited Burns’ birthplace which was by then being run as a museum-cum-public house. Although not taken by the cottage’s caretaker – who Keats described as a ‘great bore’ – the poet did manage to compose a sonnet ‘for the sake of writing some lines under the Roof’.

By the 1930s, Britain’s extensive rail network meant that people could easily travel for leisure. Rail companies such as LMS and LNER used evocative illustrations of cultural places and activities to advertise their services.    

A poster of a cottage interior from a train company with text that reads 'The birthplace of Robert Burns Alloway - Ayrshire'.
Railway poster or print entitled 'The Birthplace of Robert Burns', depicting the interior of the cottage at Alloway, Ayrshire, by Norman Wilkinson, 1930s. Museum reference W.2000.20.