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Figurine, ornamental / fishwife Figurine, ornamental / fishwife

Multicoloured glazed moulded earthenware figure of a fishwife selling from a creel, made by Rathbone of Portobello

Figurine / boar Figurine / boar

Roman votive terracotta figurine of a boar, from Burnswark (Birrenswark), Dumfriesshire

Figurine / horse Figurine / horse

Roman terracotta figurine of paired horses, from the Roman site at Newstead (Trimontium), 80 - 180 AD

Figurine Figurine

Painted and glazed figurine of George IV standing with crown and robe, the left hand has been broken before glazing, probably from Rathbone's Pottery, Portobello, c. 1822

Figurine, amuletic / god Figurine, amuletic / god

Amuletic figurine in pale green glazed faience, showing Pataek supporting Bes on his shoulder: Ancient Egyptian, Late Dynastic Period, 664 - 332 BC

Figurine, amuletic / goddess Figurine, amuletic / goddess

Green faience amulet representing the goddess Isis seated on a block throne suckling Harpocrates, Middle Egypt, Hawara: Ancient Egyptian, Late Period, c.664-332 BC

Figurine / god Figurine / god

Green faience figurine of the god Bes,front-facing with leonine features: Ancient Egyptian, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c.1550-1295 BC

Figurine / doll, female Figurine / doll, female

Figurine or female doll of wood, with head and body down to the knees only, slotted to take pivoted lower legs: Ancient Egyptian, Lower Egypt, Saqqara, probably Late Dynastic Period, 664 - 332 BC

Figurine / hedgehog Figurine / hedgehog

Blue faience figurine of a hedgehog in a marching pose, with the quills and other details indicatedin black/brown: Ancient Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, c.1985-1650 BC

Figurine / animal Figurine / animal

Figurine in pottery coated with a red haematitic wash, crudely modelled in the form of an animal rearing on its hind legs: Ancient Egyptian, Late 18th Dynasty

Statuette Statuette

Statuette of a falcon in wood, probably originally from the lid of a canopic chest or sarcophagus, covered with gesso and painted in red, buff and green-black: Ancient Egyptian, Late Period, 332-30 BC

Figurine Figurine

Statuette of a jackal in wood, painted black, with eyes and brows outlined in red, probably originally from the lid of a qrsw-coffin, excavated by A.H. Rhind in the tomb of Montsuef: Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, 25th-26th Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period, c.747-525 BC

Figurine / god Figurine / god

Figurine in wax-coated mud representing Hapi, one of the Four Sons of Horus, with a baboon head: Ancient Egyptian, 21st - 23rd Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period

Figurine / god Figurine / god

Figurine in wax-coated mud representing Imsety, one of the Four Sons of Horus, with a human head: Ancient Egyptian, 21st - 23rd Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period

Figurine / god Figurine / god

Human-headed figurine in wax-coated mud representing Imseti, one of the Four Sons of Horus: Ancient Egyptian, 21st - 22nd Dynasty

Figurine / god Figurine / god

Jackal-headed figurine in wax-coated mud representing Duamutef, one of the Four Sons of Horus: Ancient Egyptian, 21st - 22nd Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period

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