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Stele Stele

Stele, of a type also referred to as a Cippus of Horus, of mottled grey stone carved with figures in raised relief on the face and columns of hieroglyphs in sunk relief on the back, top and sides, acquired by the Scots explorer James Bruce about 1771 : Ancient Egyptian, allegedly found in Aksum in Ethiopia but originally from Egypt, Ptolemaic Period, 2nd or 1st century BC

Stele Stele

Olivine marble healing stela (cippus) of Horus, showing recto Horus standing on crocodiles and holding animals, top surmounted with the head of bes, verso part of spell: Ancient Egyptian, Ptolemaic Period, 332 - 30 BC

Stele Stele

Limestone stela of Nesshutefnut, showing the dedicator on the right in front on an offering table with Osiris and Isis, with six lines of hieroglyphs below: Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Edfu, Ptolemaic period, c.250-200 BC

Stele / portion Stele / portion

Rounded upper portion of stele in limestone with the cartouche of Queen Ahmes Nefer-tari: Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty

Stele Stele

Rectangular stele in limestone with a pedimental top dedicated to Demokles the Messenian in red ink, with a painted scene in the central panel of a man lying on a couch opposite a veiled woman, with an attendant to the left: Egypt, Lower Egypt, possibly Alexandria, Greek, c.2nd century BC

Stele / fragment Stele / fragment

Silstone stela fragment, upper portion only, incised on one side with Isis before a shrine and on the other with the owners, a man named Paenmehyt and a woman named Tanetmennefer, with their arms raised in adoration: Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Hierakonpolis, Temple area at Kom el-Ahmar, late New Kingdom, c. 1230 - 1069 BC

Stele Stele

Stela of limestone, rounded top, with shen-sign between two wadjet eyes, above htp-di-nsw prayer in four lines, above the deceased man sits on a chair holding lotus flower before tray of four loaves or jars above four wine jars : Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Hierakonpolis, temple area, Upper Egypt, late 2nd Intermediate Period, c. 1600-1550 BC

Stele / fragment Stele / fragment

Stela fragment of yellow limestone, one half only put together from three separate fragments, carved on both sides with depiction of Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) making offering to the Re-Horakhti-Aten (hawk-headed man), with erased cartouches: Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, probably Hierakonpolis, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, Amarna Period, c. 1352 - 1336 BC

Stele Stele

Round-topped limestone stela dedicated to the priest of Horus, Hornakht, and his wife Ahmose, by their son, lunette with shen-sign between two wadjet eyes above offering scene in shallow raised relief, with an inscription in sunk relief below, surface partly eroded by moisture: Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Hierakonpolis, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c. 1550 - 1292 BC

Stele Stele

Miniature limestone stela showing Amunnakht worshipping Ptah, before an offering table: Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, probably from the Ptah shrine, Deir el-Medina, New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, c.1184-1153 BC

Stele, votive Stele, votive

Votive stele in grey limestone, carved with Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy) flanked by attendant bodhisattvas, all standing on lotus pedestals supported on a rectangular plinth, made as a temple gift, in Tang style: China, probably 20th century

Stele Stele

Limestone stele sculptured with a relief representation of the front of a temple, with a Greek inscription on the pediment, dedicated by or to a man called Ammon: Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Latopolis (Esna), Coptic, 7th or 8th century

Stele / portion Stele / portion

Stele portion of limestone, carved with cameo busts of a man or youth and two women in very high relief: Coptic, probably 5th century BC

Figure Figure

Sculpture or stele of the Hindu god Vishnu standing erect on a double lotus pedestal, attended by two consorts, Lakshmi (lower left) and Saravati (lower right), carved in black stone: Asia, South Asia, India, Pala period, 10th century

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