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Image © National Museums Scotland

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Hollow blue faience spherical bead in the form of a curled-up hedgehog with moulded features and black quills: Ancient Egyptian, probably Middle Kingdom, c.1985 - 1650 BC

Museum reference



World Culture

Object name


Production information

Egypt, Northern Africa


Middle Kingdom, Ancient Egyptian

Style / Culture

Middle Kingdom, Ancient Egyptian



Collection place(s)

Egypt, Northern Africa


  • Ancient Egypt Rediscovered (08 Feb 2019)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Egyptian Gallery, 2003 - 2008 (2003 - 2008)
    Royal Scottish Museum

  • Ancient Egypt (29 Jul 2011)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience (10 May 1998 - 25 Apr 1999)
    The Cleveland Museum of Art
    Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
    Kimbell Art Museum


Hornemann, Bodil. 1951. Types of Egyptian Statuary, Vol. 6 (Munksgaard ), pl. 1692.

von Droste zu Hülshoff, Vera. 1980. Der Igel im alten Ägypten, Hildesheimer Agyptologische Beitrage II (Hildesheim: Gerstenberg), pl. XIV, no. 119.

R. S. Bianchi, in F. D. Friedman (ed.), Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, (Providence: 1998), pp. 220 (no. 981).

On display

national museum of scotland »
level 5 »
world cultures, ancient egypt rediscovered

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