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Image © National Museums Scotland

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Model canoe, constructed of birch bark over a wooden frame, the seams stitched with split spruce roots, with gunwales, covered prow and stern with dark green European paint: North America, Canada, Northwest Territories, Slavey, c. 1862

Museum reference




Object name

Canoe, Model

Production information

Northwest Territories, Canada, North America


c. 1862

Style / Culture



Birch bark, Wood, Spruce root

Physical description

Birchbark over a wooden frame, the seams stitched with split spruce roots; gunwales, prow and stern with dark green European paint

Collection place(s)

Northwest Territories, Canada, North America


Hudson's Bay Company


  • Living Lands (29 Jul 2011)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Dogrib: We live securely by the land (01 Oct 2006 - 14 Dec 2007)
    Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
    Carleton University Art Gallery


The Athabaskans: Strangers of the North. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1974. Exhibition catalogue from 'An international travelling exhibition from the collection of the National Museum of Man, Canada, and the Royal Scottish Museum'. cat no. 255

Idiens, Dale, A catalogue of Northern Athapaskan Indian artefacts in the collection of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, Royal Scottish Museum Information Series, Art and Archaeology 3, March 1979

Dè T’a Hoti Ts’eeda: ‘We Live Securely by the Land’; An Exhibition of Dene material selected from the collections from National Museums Scotland. Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada 2006

On display

national museum of scotland »
level 1 »
world cultures, living lands

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