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Coffin base


Inner coffin base of yellow-painted wood, belonging to the Lady of the Estate, Neskhōnspakhred (daughter of the Principal Controller for Amun, Baketankhōns, and the Lady of the Estate, Nesiherib): Ancient Egyptian, Upper Egypt, Thebes, 3rd Intermediate Period, 25th Dynasty, c. 747 - 656 BC

Museum reference



World Culture

Object name

Coffin base

Production information

Egypt, Northern Africa


c. 747 - 656 BC

Style / Culture

25th Dynasty (Kushite), 3rd Intermediate Period, Ancient Egyptian



Collection place(s)

Thebes, Upper Egypt, Egypt, Northern Africa


Depicted: Neskhonspakhered
Depicted: Baketankhōns
Depicted: Nesherib


GOSSE, A.B.(1915) The Civilization of the Ancient Egyptians (London and Edinburgh : Frank) : 98, fig.113

Taylor 2003 “Theban Coffins from the Twenty-second to the Twenty-sixth Dynasty: Dating and Synthesis of Development”, in Strudwick & Taylor (eds) The Theban Necropolis: Past, Present and Future (London: British Museum Press) p. 116 n.194

Manley, B and Dodson, A., (2010) Life Everlasting. National Museums Scotland Collection of Ancient Egyptian Coffins (Edinburgh: NMS Enterprises Ltd.), Cat.26, pp.79-81

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