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Image © National Museums Scotland

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Faience plaque with a low-relief depiction of Iuput II as an infant king wearing the triple atef crown and emerging from a lotus flower, as the sun god: Lower Egypt, probably Leontopolis, Ancient Egyptian, 23rd Dynasty, c.750-716 BC

Museum reference



World Culture

Object name


Production information

Egypt, Northern Africa


23rd Dynasty, 3rd Intermediate Period, Ancient Egyptian

Style / Culture

Ancient Egyptian



Collection place(s)

Egypt, Northern Africa


Depicted: Yeweput
Hood Collection


  • Ancient Egypt Rediscovered (08 Feb 2019)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Egyptian Gallery, 2003 - 2008 (2003 - 2008)
    Royal Scottish Museum

  • Ancient Egypt (29 Jul 2011)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience (10 May 1998 - 25 Apr 1999)
    The Cleveland Museum of Art
    Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
    Kimbell Art Museum


Schogl, H.A. Der Sonnengott auf der Blute, (Geneva: 1977), pp. 19, 44-5.

Aldred, Cyril. 1980. Egyptian Art, in the Days of the Pharaohs, 3100-320 BC.

Leahy, Anthony. 'Royal Iconography and Dynastic Change 750-525 BC: the Blue Crown and the Cap Crowns', JEA 78, p. 237 n. 88.

Morkot, R. 'Archaism and Innovation in Art from the New Kingdom to the Twenty-Sixth' in 'Never had the liked occurred': Egypt's View of its Past, p. 79-100.

Eisenberg. J.M. 'Pharaohs at the Palazzo Grassi', Minerva Magazine 14.1 Jan/Feb 2003, fig. 21.

R. S. Bianchi, in F. D. Friedman (ed.), Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, (Providence: 1998), pp. 100, 199 (no. 59).

Brandl, Helmut. Kunst und Gesellschaft in der Libyerzeit. Beobachtungen an Königsstatuen der Dritten Zwischenzeit, in Katalin Anna Kóthay (ed.), Art and Society. Ancient and Modern Contexts of Egyptian Art. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 13-15 May 2010 (Budapest: 2012), p. 104 n. 32.

Perdu, Olivier in Le crépuscule des pharaons: Chefs-d’oeuvre des dernières dynasties égyptiennes. Ouvrage publié à l’occaison de l’exposition au Musée Jacquemart-André du 23 mars au 23 juillet 2012, pp. 174-175.

Stable, C., Maitland, M., de Bellaigue, D., Potter, D. M., Murray, M. and Bryan, B. (2021) ‘Rediscovering Ancient Egypt: Consideration of the Legacy, Ethics, and Aesthetics of Previously Restored Egyptian Artefacts’, Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 44/2, pp.134-152

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world cultures, ancient egypt rediscovered

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