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Statuette / queen


Statuette in pale brown glazed steatite of Queen Ahmose-Nefertari standing with her left leg advanced against a back pillar: Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c.1550 -1295 BC

Museum reference



World Culture

Object name

Statuette / queen

Production information

Egypt, Northern Africa


18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Ancient Egyptian

Style / Culture

Ancient Egyptian



Collection place(s)

Egypt, Northern Africa


Depicted: Queen Ahmose-Nefertari
Amenhotep III
Blanchard Collection


  • Ancient Egypt Rediscovered (08 Feb 2019)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Egyptian Gallery, 2003 - 2008 (2003 - 2008)
    Royal Scottish Museum

  • Ancient Egypt (29 Jul 2011)
    National Museum of Scotland


PM 2, 162

Aldred, C. 1978, Review of Egyptian Sculpture, JEA 64 p. 175

Gitton 1981, L’épouse du dieu Ahmes Néfertary. Documents sur sa vie et son culte posthume. 2e éd. revue et augmentée, ALUB 172, p. 171 n. 48

Aldred, Cyril, 1983, ‘Ahmose-Nofretari again’ in H. De Meulenaere, L. Limme (eds.), Artibus Aegypti. Studia in honorem Bernardi V. Bothmer a collegis amicis discipulis, Brussels, pp. 7-14

Gabolde 1991, Un fragment de stèle au nom d’Ahmès-Néfertary provenant de Karnak, BIFAO 91, p. 171 n. 48

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world cultures, ancient egypt rediscovered

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