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Image © National Museums Scotland

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Votive statuette / god / crocodile


Copper alloy votive statuette in bronze of Sobek as a crocodile, recumbent wearing the atef crown and uraeus, with inlaid eyes: Ancient Egyptian, Late Period, c.664 - 332 BC

Museum reference



World Culture

Object name

Votive statuette / god / crocodile

Production information

Egypt, Northern Africa


Late Period, Ancient Egypt

Style / Culture

Ancient Egyptian


Copper alloy

Collection place(s)

Egypt, Northern Africa


  • Ancient Egypt Rediscovered (08 Feb 2019)
    National Museum of Scotland

  • Egyptian Gallery, 2003 - 2008 (2003 - 2008)
    Royal Scottish Museum

  • Ancient Egypt (29 Jul 2011)
    National Museum of Scotland

On display

national museum of scotland »
level 5 »
world cultures, ancient egypt rediscovered

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