The Climate Change for All project comprises of two public programmes: Sewing Hope and the Agency for World Change Agreements. 

This project has helped us to engage people with our collections, to give them a place to engage with the climate emergency and encourage everyone to take action creatively.

Climate Change for All is supported by the Scottish Government Climate Engagement Fund.

Last updated: 12 March 2025

Sewing Hope: Quilts for Climate Change

In creative workshops run by artist Laura Johnson, visitors were given the chance to make their own quilt square. Each square represents what climate change looks like to them, or their hopes for the future. 

The quilts are made with donated thread, buttons, and metres of reclaimed fabrics. Fabrics included recycled uniforms from staff at National Museums Scotland. The quilts have been stitched together by volunteers led by Textile Tutor, Dianne Spottiswood Miller, at the Edinburgh Remakery (an award-winning environment social enterprise, based in Leith).

Quilt squares were also made in creative workshops by Edinburgh Children’s Hospital; Granton Youth; Rainbow Families; South Queensferry School and Communities Reduce Reuse & Recycle from the Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council.

Over 1500 people took part in the quilt making. Families were equipped with information from a Climate and Ocean Scientist Dr Sian Henley, Reader in Marine Science at the University of Edinburgh, alongside our curators and learning team. Families engaged with our collection through films, object handling and trails. Their messages are on display at the National Museum of Scotland, and have been sent to the Scottish Government.

It opened up really great conversations about my generation’s hopes and fears for the future, and how we all think climate change will affect our lives. Despite a sometimes-grim picture being painted in the media it did make me believe in the power of collective action and how small changes can make a big impact.

Nadia, a teenager who took part in Sewing Hope: Quilts for climate change

The Agency for World Change Agreements

Developed by the Museum of Communication in Bern, Switzerland, the concept of The Agency for World Change Agreements is simple - to provide a space for discussion, resulting in attendees making small changes to live more ecologically.

This event took place in February 2025, and was supported by expert artists Alice Mary Cooper and Geraldine Heaney. Visitors made their own pledges, inspired by material from our collection and our vision for sustainable development.