Schools resources
Dinosaur workshop - accompanying resources
A range of dinosaur themed resources to accompany our dinosaurs sessions.
Pre-session quiz
Have a go at our Dino-no or Dino-yes quiz with your pupils before the session.Fav-a-saurus
Research your favourite dinosaur and use this worksheet to draw it and write your own fact file.Freeze, Roar, Stomp!
Move like a dinosaur with these warm up and warm down activities to get ready for learning or cool down after class.
Dinosaur Record Breakers
Discover the dinosaurs that are thought to be the biggest, smallest, fastest, oldest and much more!Which palaeontologist are you?
Follow the flow chart quiz to discover which palaeontologist you are most like.Palaeontologist fact files
After taking our palaeontologist quiz, discover more facts about them and draw your favourite based on the information provided.