Make your own bird spotting Blue Tit buddy with these instructions!

How to make a busy Blue Tit

What You Need

  • Toilet roll tube
  • White scrap paper
  • A pair of compasses
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • Coloured paper or paint
  • Coloured tissue paper
  • A4 sheet of thin card
  • Glue
Supplies required for creating a Busy Blue Tit.

What to do

1. To make the bird's body, cover the toilet roll with coloured paper or paint it.

A glue stick next to a toilet roll tube covered in patterned paper.

2. Next, make the bird's head. On the white paper, draw around the circumference of the toilet roll. Then, using the compasses, draw another circle 2sm wider than the first one.

A paper circle with two drawn circles: one outer and one inner.

3. Draw lines with a pencil between the two circles as shown. These should be about 1.5cm apart.

A paper circle with two drawn circles and 1.5 cm lines drawn on the outer circle.

4. Cut down each of the pencil lines. Your paper circle should now look a bit like a flower with petals.

Scissors cutting petals along the edge of a paper circle.

5. Place the paper circle over the top of the toilet roll. Fold down the "petals" and secure with masking tape. Paint the "head" or cover it with coloured tissue paper.

A circle with cut-out petals placed on top of a cardboard toilet roll tube.

6. Cut the wings out of card. Paint them or cover them with coloured tissue paper then glue them to the bird's back.

Cardboard cutouts of bird wings.

7. Cut two feet out of card. Paint them and glue them to the bottom of the bird.

Paper cut outs of bird feet.

Add the finishing touches to your bird buddy!

Decorate your bird! Make a face from some scrap paper, stick or draw on some eyes and a beak - you could even glue on a few real feathers!

Completed Busy Blue Tit, adorned with eyes, a beak, and feathers.